PRELIMINARY NOTE: We have another great webinar this week with Sheldon Richman, who continues his analysis of the market process. In order to get our nation back on the right track with respect to economic liberty, two things are ...
I saw the new movie Parkland yesterday. While reviews are panning the movie, which isn’t too surprising given that it’s based on Vincent Bugliosi’s book Reclaiming History, which is a long rehash of the lone-nut theory posited by the ...
A perfect demonstration of the statist mindset appears in an editorial entitled “Free the Postal Service” published this week by the Los Angeles Times. The editorial shows how statists, unlike libertarians, are simply unable to break free of ...
Why is there even a debt ceiling? The reason is simple: Because even the members of Congress, who are the biggest spenders in the world, understand that too much government debt is a bad thing. That’s the message conveyed ...
One of the most interesting aspects of President Eisenhower’s Farewell Address in 1960 was his warning to the American people regarding the danger that America’s military-industrial complex posed to our democratic processes. Eisenhower didn’t make it clear whether he ...
The Atlantic has published a fascinating article entitled “JFK vs. the Military” by Kennedy biographer Robert Dallek which details the war that was taking place between President Kennedy and the U.S. national-security state establishment. While this has long ...
I just finished reading one of the best and most important books I’ve ever read. It’s The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret War by Stephen Kinzer. The book is fascinating and gripping. I couldn’t ...
For the life of me, I just don’t get conservatives. They profess to love free enterprise and free markets and they say they hate socialism.
Okay, then why do they never call for the repeal of Medicare and Medicaid?
After all, ...
From the standpoint of government officials, one of the greatest things about a highly regulated economy, banking system, and healthcare system, as well as a complex tax system, is that it provides officials with the ability to prosecute businessmen, ...
The national-security state apparatus under which all of us have been born and raised was established for one and only one purpose: to wage the Cold War against the Soviet Union. From the inception of the country to the ...