Trey Radel must be counting his lucky stars for being white, prominent, influential, and powerful. He’s a Republican congressman from Florida who recently pled guilty of buying cocaine from an undercover narc in D.C. and received an absolutely sweetheart ...
For 50 years the mainstream media has scrupulously avoided confronting the ever-mounting evidence of conspiracy in the JFK assassination. A classic example of this phenomenon occurred last week on the CBS talk show Face the Nation, hosted by Bob ...
On today, November, 22, 2013, the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, we are certain to hear the same old pabulum that we have heard for the past five decades: “We will just really never ...
For 50 years defenders of the Warren Report have claimed that JFK conspiracy theorists simply cannot accept that a little man killed a great man.
Let’s see now. John Lennon was a great man. Oh sure, he was monitored and ...
In the 19th century, American Indians had an apropos term for U.S. officials: “speaking with a forked tongue.” The term can mean saying one thing and meaning another or also just being hypocritical.
One could easily have applied the term ...
On November 9, published a critically important and revealing article about the Kennedy assassination, an article that was brought to my attention by the JFK website,
The article involved an interview with Dr. Don Teal Curtis ...
In response to growing public demands, led by, that the CIA release its still-secret, 50-year-old JFK-related records to the American people, the CIA has now issued a statement on the controversy. Even more significant, the issue has ...
Commemorating Veterans Day, people honored Americans who have served in the U.S. military, especially those who have fought and died in America’s foreign wars. In doing so, however, it’s easy to forget the fact that what the soldiers fought ...
At, which is the best website for keeping up with matters relating to the Kennedy assassination, the website’s editor, Jefferson Morley, who used to be a reporter for the Washington Post, had two related postings.
One posting asked ...
Forty-one-year-old Stephen Glass wants to practice law but the California Bar Association won’t let him. In California, like every other state, people are prohibited from practicing law without official governmental permission, which is manifested through the issuance of a ...