On the approaching 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, the obvious question arises: What difference does it make? A half century has passed since the assassination. It’s now history. Why spend any time on it? What relevance does it ...
Greece continues to provide a fantastic reality check for the American people. The Greek government continued spending more than it was bringing in with taxes. Rather than slash spending, it borrowed the difference. It kept piling debt on top ...
Over the weekend, the Dallas Morning News published an interesting article entitled “What We Still Don’t Know About the Kennedy Assassination” by former Washington Post reporter Jefferson Morley. According to the article, the CIA continues to keep secret ...
Given the enormous role that the welfare-warfare state plays in American life, it is always easy for libertarians to find deprivations of liberty, such as coerced charity, drug-war incarcerations, the IRS, torture, surveillance, and assassination. Infringements on fundamental rights ...
Chinese bloggers who are experiencing a severe crackdown at the hands of their own government provide a source of hope and inspiration for advocates of liberty here in the United States.
Take a look at this New York Times op-ed: ...
Statists love to tell us how the income tax helps the poor by taxing the rich and equalizing wealth. That’s just sheer nonsense. For one thing, most of the money they take from people with income taxes is used ...
With the approaching 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, it would be appropriate to ask an important question: Why would Oswald have done it? Why would he have assassinated President Kennedy?
As I see it, there are four possible scenarios, ...
I just returned from one of the finest conferences I’ve ever attended. It was a 3-day conference on the John Kennedy assassination sponsored by the Cyril H. Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law at Duquesne University in ...
Let’s assume that I am earning $5,000 per month and that I have the following monthly expenses:
Do you see the problem? I’m bringing in $5,000 a month and spending $9,000 a month. That’s a deficit of ...
PRELIMINARY NOTE: We have another great webinar this week with Sheldon Richman, who continues his analysis of the market process. In order to get our nation back on the right track with respect to economic liberty, two things are ...