As the Los Angeles Times reported, four days before Christmas last year 94-year-old Clara Gantt received the remains of her husband, whom she had married in 1948. Army Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Gantt had gone missing during the ...
One of the favorite responses of progressives to libertarian calls to dismantle the welfare state is to ask, “Why do you hate the poor?” That question can be modified and turned back on progressives: “Why do you hate black ...
I can’t begin to tell you how psyched we are about our “conference within a conference” that we are having at the 2014 Students for Liberty Conference in Washington, D.C. The entire conference goes from February 14-16 but all ...
Do you ever wish that the federal government would stop publishing data on the so-called trade deficit? It would be one of the best things the government could ever do. At the very least, it would bring an end ...
When Barack Obama was elected president, the chickens came home to roost above the sordid nest that conservatives made for us after the 9/11 attacks. It was after those attacks that conservatives, quivering and quaking in their shoes over ...
The drought in California and Southwestern United States remind us of the two different economic systems in U.S. history, each of which involved fundamentally different roles for the U.S. government in the economic lives of the American people.
California Governor ...
Johann von Goethe once wrote, “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Goethe’s statement perfectly captures the plight of the American people in our time. That’s one of the principal challenges that we ...
There have been two opposite systems in American history. Here are the two systems:
Social Security
Public Housing
Farm Subsidies
SBA Loans
Education grants
Economic Regulations
Minimum Wage Laws
Price Controls
Licensure Laws
Immigration Controls
Public Schooling
Gun Control
Income Taxation
Federal Reserve System
Fiat Money
Drug Laws
War on Poverty
Standing Army
Military ...
Amidst all the revelations about how the American people, many of whom are absolutely convinced they live in a free society, have their telephone calls, emails, website visits, and who knows what else under surveillance by their own government, ...
A Beijing court has just convicted two more activists of the crime of “gathering a crowd to disturb public order.” One of them, Yuan Dong, was sentenced to one and a half years in prison. The other Hou Xin ...