The following is a list of articles written about the FFF panel at the Students for Liberty conference in Washington, D.C., on February 14-16, 2014. The panel consisted of Oliver Stone, the Academy Award Winning Hollywood director, Peter Kuznick, ...
Among the many articles generated by FFF’s panel at the Students for Liberty conference, which featured noted liberals (i.e., progressives) Oliver Stone, Peter Kuznick, and Jeremy Scahill, was one at Mediaite, which included the following: “ISFLC is an ...
For the life of me, I simply cannot understand how intelligent people can still support something as nonsensical as a government-established minimum wage. I find this to be absolutely incredible. The very thought that people living in the 21st ...
The debt ceiling was recently raised again, this time without any fanfare among federal officials or their supporters in the mainstream press. The federal government had, once again, reached the maximum limit on the amount of debt it was ...
I find the mind of a statist to be absolutely fascinating. Consider, for example, an article by a man named Steve Booher, a columnist for the St. Joseph News-Press in St. Joseph, Missouri. The title of the article is ...
Despite the big snow storm that hit Washington, D.C., last Thursday, the annual 2014 Students for Liberty Conference went on as scheduled at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington. It was an awesome experience. I don’t know what the ...
The justification that U.S. officials use for their assassination of people overseas, including American citizens, is that the people they’re killing are bent on killing U.S. forces. Thus, the justification is sort of a modified self-defense concept—they’re trying to ...
The New York Times is reporting that most Americans, including a majority in Florida, favor normalizing relations with Cuba, which would mean a lifting of cruel and brutal economic embargo that the U.S. government has been enforcing against ...
I’d venture to say that few Americans know who Jose Padilla is. Nonetheless, Padilla is one of the most important figures in the lives of the American people. It was his case that revolutionized America’s legal system by upholding ...
One of the libertarian positions that scare some Americans is open immigration. The thought that millions of people from around the world would be free to come to the United States to tour, work, invest, open businesses, or visit ...