Given the myriad problems afflicting America under the welfare-warfare state way of life, the American people living today have a choice: They can continue devoting their efforts to coming up with reforms in the hopes of fixing all those ...
U.S. Marine Corps General John F. Kelly, commanding general of the U.S. Southern Command, just doesn’t get it. Testifying before Congress, he lamented the movement toward legalizing drugs here in the United States. He ...
As English colonists living in America understood, living under an empire is not a pleasant experience. Empire officials are inevitably arrogant, pretentious, pompous, haughty, big-headed, insufferable type of people. They believe that others should bow ...
The Obama-Putin faceoff on Ukraine inevitably brings to mind the Kennedy-Khrushchev faceoff during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The confrontation between Kennedy and Khrushchev, of course, was much more dangerous given that it brought the United States and the Soviet ...
What is happening in Argentina provides a valuable lesson in why governments in every country on earth control the education of the nation’s children.
Argentina is suffering the ravages of government debasement of the currency — i.e., inflation, the process ...
In a recent New York Times op-ed, John McCain, the man who hoped to be president, said that Russia’s invasion of Crimea has nothing to do with NATO expansion into Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
Oh? Well, now, let’s ...
Have you noticed that there’s no more talk about the debt ceiling? That’s because those congressional big spenders recently raised the debt ceiling to permit the feds to continue adding onto the mountain of federal debt that they’re piling ...
During the Cold War, the U.S. national security state — i.e., the military and CIA — used the dire threat of communism and socialism as a justification for its assassination program and its pro-coup program in Latin America and ...
Anyone who reads the works of the late Chalmers Johnson will have an excellent understanding of the role that the U.S. national-security state, especially the vast military empire and military-industrial complex, plays in America’s foreign-policy woes. ...
Throughout the Cold War, the U.S. national-security state was devoted to keeping communist-socialist regimes from coming to power in Latin America. The idea was that if communism was permitted to achieve a beachhead in the ...