In my blog post of yesterday, I asked how any Catholic, in good conscience, could choose to embrace statism rather than libertarianism, given statism’s embrace of coerced charity, a concept that denigrates and destroys God’s great gift of ...
A few weeks ago, the Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies at the Catholic University of America hosted a conference entitled, “Erroneous Autonomy: The Catholic Case Against Libertarianism.
Unfortunately, I learned about the conference too late to attend, ...
President Obama has unilaterally decided to deploy U.S. troops to Iraq, where they will be embroiled in Iraq’s civil war by helping the government side kill the anti-government side.
But where in the Constitution is such a power delegated to ...
Prior to the U.S. government’s invasion of Iraq in 2003, longtime supporters of The Future of Freedom Foundation will recall that we stood squarely against the operation.
We emphasized that the excuse given for the operation — that Saddam Hussein ...
Most everyone is talking about the nation-building fiasco in Iraq, but no one is addressing the type of government that U.S. officials brought into existence in Iraq. That type of government is a big part of the problem in ...
Thanks to a ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court, the government of Argentina is facing a major debt crisis.
Like many other governments around the world, including the governments of Greece and the United States, Argentina’s government went on ...
What a debacle! With Iraq virtually in full-scale civil war, American interventionists are scrambling like crazy to put a positive spin on their bankrupt foreign-policy philosophy. It’s all Obama’s fault for being weak, Republicans are saying. Others are blaming ...
We, the members of the Republican Party, hereby affirm our deep and abiding commitment to the principles of free enterprise (i.e., economic activity free of government control and regulation), except for:
1. Immigration controls.
2. Public (i.e., government) schooling.
3. Drug laws.
4. ...
A news article this week entitled “South Laredo Trafficking Group Indicted” caught my attention. That’s because Laredo is my hometown. I spent 26 years there, including 8 years practicing law, most of which was in partnership with my ...
I delivered my second lecture this morning via Skype to the Liberty and Entrepreneurship Camp 2014 in Ghana. (And see here as well.) Just like my first lecture on Monday, it was a fantastic and fun ...