One of the most disastrous effects of America’s post-World War II embrace of a permanent warfare-state apparatus has been the extreme dependency on domestic military bases that dot towns and cities across America. The situation is akin to a ...
I find it absolutely amazing that there are still people around who look with disfavor on free trade. A recent example occurred in the New York Times just last Sunday in an op-ed entitled “Our Misplaced Faith in ...
When President Obama and his army began their bombing campaign against Islamic State forces in Iraq and Syria, they cited as their justification the Islamic State’s (aka ISIS) beheading of a private American citizen. The beheading, U.S. officials, said ...
The reason for the many woes currently afflicting the American people lies with three separate apparatuses that have been attached to our original federal governmental structure. Those three apparatuses are the welfare state, the regulatory or interventionist state, and ...
Yesterday, I was treated to one of the best lectures I’ve ever seen. It was delivered by Israel Kirzner, an Austrian economist who is emeritus professor of economics at New York University, where he taught for many years.
Kirzner’s lecture ...
One of the most pervasive myths within the United States is that our rights come from the U.S. Constitution. Even the U.S. Supreme Court subscribes to this myth whenever it searches the Constitution to determine whether people have a ...
As most everyone knows, ISIS, not al-Qaeda, is the newest official enemy facing the United States. The truth, however, is that it’s not ISIS that poses the biggest threat to the American people. Instead, the biggest threat to the ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
In 1999, in response to an order issued by Bill Clinton to U.S. departments and agencies to release long-secret records ...
Why can’t statists see that their system is inherently defective and that any reforms that are enacted to fix it only makes things worse?
Look at Iraq. Twelve years ago, statists were celebrating “Mission Accomplished” over the fact that the ...
I just returned from an awesome trip to Yuma, Arizona, where I participated in programs hosted by The Freedom Library, a fantastic educational foundation run by long-time libertarian Howard Blitz. For many years, the Freedom Library has been ...