In a country where people extol the virtues of free enterprise, why is the U.S. government involved in the delivery of mail? After all, it would be difficult to find a better example of a violation of the principles ...
Each week, FFF president Jacob Hornberger and FFF vice president Sheldon Richman discuss the hot topics of the day. This week: that attacks in Paris and their relation to gun control.
The Libertarian Angle airs weekly. Go to the
Last evening I went to see the new movie American Sniper because I wanted to see how they portrayed American soldiers killing people in Iraq, especially Chris Kyle, the man whose life the movie revolved around.
As Nazi official Herman ...
Consider the following lead paragraph from a front-page article in yesterday’s New York Times entitled “From Amateur to Ruthless Jihadist in France”:
In the year after the United States’ invasion of Iraq, a 22-year-old pizza delivery man here couldn’t ...
The controversy over North Korea’s supposed hacking of Sony in retaliation for The Interview actually goes a long way in showing the brilliance of our American ancestors who demanded the enactment of the Bill of Rights after the federal ...
I’m getting a big déjà vu feeling in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo killings in France.
The French government is declaring war on terrorism. It’s militarizing French society. It’s proposing a Patriot Act. It’s supporting a mass surveillance scheme. ...
In the aftermath of the terrorist attack in France on Charlie Hebdo, U.S. officials are telling the world how committed they are to the principles of freedom of speech.
How about Lynne Stewart, the New York lawyer who was convicted ...
I wonder how many Americans know how the U.S. embargo against Cuba got imposed. The story provides one more example of how the post-World War II national-security state apparatus that was grafted onto America’s governmental structure warped and perverted ...
Proponents for continuing the Cold War-era U.S. embargo against Cuba, many of whom are Latin Americans, say that as a condition for lifting the embargo, the U.S. government should require the Cuban government to compensate, either with damages or ...
In my blog post of January 6, 2015, entitled “Conservative Hypocrisy on the Cuban Embargo,” I listed five ways in which conservative hypocrisy was manifesting itself in the context of the debate over whether the 54-year-old U.S. embargo ...