Last November, the Wall Street Journal reported that suicides in the United States reached a record high in 2022. Almost 50,000 people in the U.S. committed suicide. The suicide rate was the highest since 1941.
According ...
I haven’t seen The Iron Claw but it certainly looks like a good movie. It receives 88% and 94% ratings on Rotten Tomatoes. The movie is about the von Erich brothers, who became famous ...
The last thing the Founding Fathers wanted for our country was omnipotent government — that is, a government that wields totalitarian-like powers. Thus, when the U.S. Constitution called the federal government into existence, it expressly restricted its powers ...
When I read an article yesterday by a man named Edwin Rubis, I sat there, shook my head, and asked myself how any government could do such a thing to anyone.
The reason that Rubis’s article caught my ...
Proponents of America’s system of immigration controls never mention their support of what comes with this system that they support — an immigration police state. That’s because they don’t want to be known as proponents of a police ...
On December 29, the New York Times published an article entitled “How the Russian Government Silences Wartime Dissent,” which details the Russian government’s prosecution of Russian citizens who criticize Russia’s war on Ukraine. According to the ...
During the entire lives of everyone living today, the U.S. government has been waging the so-called war on drugs. Since 1914, beginning with the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act, the federal government has enacted laws that make it a criminal ...
I am writing to seek your end-of-year financial support for The Future of Freedom Foundation to help us advance liberty in the year ahead.
When I discovered libertarianism in my late 20s, more than 40 years ago, the biggest revelation ...
Longtime readers of my blog know that I have long recommended a book entitled National Security and Double Government by Michael J. Glennon, professor of law at Tufts University and former counsel to the U.S. Senate’s ...
The Postal Service is selling a new stamp with the word “FREEDOM” prominently displayed on it. As I purchased a roll of the stamps, it reminded me of my favorite quotation: “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those ...