Given that today is the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, it serves as a good day to place that event in the context of how we began as a nation, where we are today, and what we need ...
For the next year, we are all going to have to endure the presidential campaign and its accompanying blowhard speeches, insipid commentaries, and vapid debates.
At the same time, many people will be terribly excited over the opportunity they get ...
Consider the impact on the civil liberties of the American people of four of the non-stop wars that the U.S. government has been waging for a very long time: the war on drugs, the war on terrorism, the war ...
Not surprisingly, the Washington Post is outraged over Iran’s prosecution of Post reporter Jason Rezaian, who is charged with espionage and “aiding a hostile government.”
A Post editorial called the charges “patently absurd” and also condemned the manner in ...
Take a close look at those refugees who are fleeing the war-torn Middle East and trying desperately to save their lives by escaping to Europe. Look at their faces. Examine their clothing.
Those are the people that Emma Lazarus was ...
China is celebrating its victory over Japan in World War II and U.S. officials are having nothing to do with it. While other governments around the world are sending top-level delegations to the celebrations, the U.S. government is boycotting ...
A state criminal case in Michigan helps show a fundamental moral difference between libertarians on the one hand and liberals and conservatives on the other.
Brian Randolph, 23, is charged with robbing a credit union of $8,100. He told ...
In a classic case of killing the messenger, China’s communist government is arresting people for publishing news stories about the massive crash of the Chinese stock market.
In an editorial on the matter, the New York Times correctly observed, ...
Here is an idea to consider, based on the protectionist and anti-immigration positions held by leading GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and many of his fellow conservatives: Let’s end the system of open borders between the respective states of ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Like every other welfare-state program, health care is in constant crisis. That shouldn’t surprise anyone. That’s what ...