The Pope’s visit to the United States has raised, among other things, issues relating to poverty, socialism, and capitalism.
I grew up a liberal. By the time I returned to my hometown of Laredo, Texas, to practice law in 1975, ...
I wonder how many people realize that the first JFK conspiracy theorist was none other than President John F. Kennedy himself.
It all began with Kennedy reading a novel called Seven Days in May, which revolved around a military ...
Americans are agog over the U.S. military’s decision to go along with the longtime custom of the Afghan police to sexually abuse young boys.
I can certainly understand why Americans would be dismayed over such a decision, but I ...
Maybe — just maybe — Pope Francis’s visit to the United States will cause American Catholics and, for that matter, American Protestants (and maybe also Americans Jews, Muslims, and atheists) to reexamine some of their long-held views — views ...
Throughout the presidential campaign, we will be treated to the same political-economic pabulum from the candidates that we get every four years. “Here’s how I will manage the economy. Here’s how I will achieve ‘growth.’ Here’s what I will ...
In every economic exchange, both sides benefit, each from his own individual, personal perspective. That’s because each trader gives up something he values less for something he values more. Thus, at the moment of the trade, each of the ...
Newsweek is about as mainstream as one can get, right?
Now, consider the fact that yesterday Newsweek published an article by libertarian Jeff Tucker entitled “To Become Even More Prosperous We Should Open Our Borders,” which is a full-throated ...
A U.S. extradition case involving a former Salvadoran colonel is resurrecting memories involving the U.S. anti-communist crusade during the Cold War and cold-blooded murders that came with it.
According to an article in last Sunday’s New York Times, in ...
Yesterday, I experienced a bit of hilarity in the decades-long, ongoing U.S. immigration crisis. A FFF reader sent me a video by a woman named Ann Corcoran, who heads up an organization named Refugee Resettlement Watch. As I watched ...
Ask yourself: What kind of society do you want?
I would think that most people would answer: I want to live in a free society and one that is prosperous, peaceful, and harmonious.
Obviously, those of us Americans living today do ...