Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein has an op-ed in today’s New York Times entitled “Let’s Finally Close Guantanamo,” in which she points out what critics of the Guantanamo facility have been saying for years: It is a very effective ...
On Monday, the New York Times published a fascinating article entitled “Putin’s Forever War” by Masha Gessen. The article provides a deep insight into the type of mindset that converted the U.S. government into a national-security state and ...
In yesterday’s blog post about the movie Bridge of Spies, I pointed out how the circumstantial evidence that has been released over the decades leads to but one conclusion — that Lee Harvey Oswald, who the Warren Commission ...
I recently saw Bridge of Spies, the new movie that revolves around a prisoner exchange that took place between the United States and the Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War. The exchange involved two spies — ...
Even in the face of ongoing catastrophes arising out of U.S. interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere in the Middle East, proponents of empire and intervention still trot out America’s entry into World War II to justify their imperialist, ...
The monetary system that the Framers established with the Constitution was the most unusual and the most radical in history. That unique monetary system, along with such things as the absence of an income tax, a welfare state, and ...
I didn’t watch the entire GOP presidential debate last night but the part I did watch really cracked me up. The candidates were criticizing the Democratic Party presidential candidates, especially Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, for being socialists. One ...
One of the issues the newly elected president of the United States is likely to face is whether to continue the decades-long secrecy and concealment of records relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. That’s because the ...
Just as I have predicted for the past couple of years, Congress has capitulated again on its debt ceiling. The media is reporting that Congress is striking a deal with President Obama to lift the debt ceiling once again. ...
Just as I have predicted several times since the debt ceiling was last lifted in 2013, statists are saying that a catastrophe will ensue if the debt ceiling isn’t lifted again. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is leading the charge, ...