Lovers of big government love crises because crises are the sure-fire way to get big government. It is during crises that many people go into a fright-filled panic, demanding that government assume extraordinary powers to keep them safe. Government ...
The new movie Trumbo provides a perfect way to distinguish conservatives from libertarians. Conservatives believe that Trumbo got everything he deserved and libertarians believe that what was done to him was an absolutely horror.
Dalton Trumbo was one of the ...
* France begins air strikes against the Islamic State in Iraq.
* Since then, France has reportedly bombed Iraq some 200 times.
* France starts bombing the Islamic State in Syria.
* According to The ...
A wise person would wonder why the Pentagon would intentionally provoke Russia by moving NATO all the way to Russia’s borders after the Cold War ended. He would also wonder why the U.S. government failed to restrain its NATO ...
There were many inanities that came with the Cold War, the 45-year period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. In fact, one might easily argue that the entire Cold War was an exercise in inanity.
U.S. ...
Whenever statist policies produce crises, libertarians are inevitably asked what the libertarian position is to resolve the crises. Two recent examples involve the refugee crisis in Europe and the terrorist crisis in Paris. “How would you libertarians deal with ...
Take a look at this excerpt from a New York Times article from a couple of days ago:
All over France, from Toulouse in the south to Paris and beyond, the police have been breaking down doors, conducting searches ...
Americans have become so accustomed to regime change as part of their federal governmental structure that most everyone has become quite blasé about the topic. A good example is Syria, which has now been pushed front and center into ...
President Obama announced, “We do not succumb to fear.”
What did he mean with his use of the pronoun “we”?
He’s got to be talking about the military and the CIA — i.e., the national-security establishment — which undoubtedly will not ...
Gun-control advocates here in the United States have often pointed to Europe as their model for gun control. A good example: France, whose strict gun restrictions and prohibitions would be a dream-come-true for American proponents of gun control.
Yet, consider ...