Whatever one might think about the takeover of Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by a group of Western ranchers, the controversy does raise an important question: Why does a government of a nation that was founded on principles of ...
Whatever else might be said about our American ancestors, one thing is beyond dispute: Their position on immigration was diametrically opposite from that of Americans living today.
Just think: Open immigration, a concept that, with the exception of libertarians, no ...
Isn’t it amazing how America’s turn toward empire in 1898 is a gift that keeps on giving? Today, Puerto Rico, one of the colonies the United States acquired in the Spanish-American War, is defaulting on part of its massive ...
If Jews in Nazi Germany had been free to own guns, would that have diminished the impact of the Holocaust? GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson candidate set off a political firestorm by proclaiming that it would have.
Gun-rights critics went ...
Immediately after January 1, the American people will be filled with hope, anticipation, and excitement over the upcoming presidential race. Led by the mainstream media, they’re about to embark on a 10-month journey of fervent political discussion and debate ...
I am writing to seek your financial support to help us continue the battle for liberty in the year ahead.
The advocates of the welfare-warfare state say that paternalism is freedom, compulsory ...
The question every American needs to ponder and discuss is one that our American ancestors were debating at the inception of our nation: What should be the role of the federal government in American society?
That was how we ended ...
For libertarians, things are obviously moving in a very bad direction. The welfare state continues to expand. Government spending is out of control, with the federal government incurring ever-increasing amounts of debt. The Federal Reserve is inflating a new ...
Undoubtedly Donald Trump ruffled a lot of liberal-progressive feathers when he declared that he is more like President Franklin Roosevelt than any other leader has been. The truth oftentimes hurts, but actually Trump is right.
One can easily imagine a ...