With the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, the American people brought into existence the most unusual way of life in history, one that led to the greatest economic miracle that mankind has ever seen. Americans not only discovered the ...
In a blog post at Marginal Revolution, Alex Tabarrok has an interesting reminder of the virtues of open borders in Europe. Tabarrok is a professor of economics at George Mason University, which arguably is ...
I’m always fascinated by people, including libertarians, who convince themselves that they are being good, caring, and compassionate by advocating the continuation of Social Security. Claiming that it would be heartless to suddenly terminate this program, they say ...
By now, I’m sure that most Americans have their own personal stories about TSA abuse. The U.S. government’s takeover of airport security after the 9/11 attacks has made flying an unpleasant experience.
This past weekend, I was flying ...
Martin Luther King called the U.S. government “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.” No one can reasonably deny that he was right. U.S. invasions, occupations, wars of aggression, coups, regime-change operations, inciting and provoking wars and ...
More than 30 years ago, Congress enacted the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. Enacted in the wake of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK, which posited that the Kennedy assassination was a regime-change operation on ...
After the Pentagon, operating through NATO, succeeded in provoking Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, U.S. official and their allies seized $300 billion in Russian assets. The seizers are now talking about giving the loot to Ukrainian officials, who would ...
It has become an article of faith that under our system of government, federal officials can declare an emergency, which then purportedly authorizes federal officials to exercise emergency powers.
However, it just ain’t so. There is nothing in ...
I was recently walking through a construction site near my house, where a new townhouse project is being built. The townhouses are four stories high. The basic construction of all four levels has been finished. A man was ...
The U.S. government just convicted Juan Orlando Hernandez of a drug offense. Who’s he? He’s the former president of Honduras. U.S. officials charged him with conspiracy to import hundreds of tons of cocaine into the United States. Last ...