For the life of me, I just don’t get why the mainstream press and Hillary Clinton are so outraged over Donald Trump’s refusal in the debate last night to accept the results of the presidential election in advance. What’s ...
Remember “hope and change”? That was the slogan that President Obama used to get elected president. Today, eight years later, the slogan only serves as a sad reminder that Americans ended up with no hope or change but instead ...
Among the most popular questions that the mainstream press asks Democratic and Republican presidential candidates every election cycle is, “What are you going to do restore growth to the economy?” Each time, the candidates dutifully respond with some sort ...
When the U.S. government invaded Iraq in 2003, I wonder how many U.S. officials contemplated the possibility that the cycle of death and destruction that they were initiating would be continuing 13 years later. And yet, here we are ...
If there is another terrorist attack on U.S. soil, this time because of the death and destruction that the U.S. government is wreaking in Yemen, I can already hear the laments and complaints of statist-Americans: “Oh my gosh, another ...
U.S. officials are hacked off. They’re saying that the Russians (read: communists) hacked into the Democratic Party’s computers. Never mind U.S. officials haven’t shown any evidence to support their allegation. Like other matters relating to the national-security establishment since ...
Hillary Clinton supporters, including the mainstream press, are outraged that if elected president, Donald Trump intends to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Clinton’s email scandal. They’re saying that that would be akin to converting America into a ...
Needless to say, the mainstream press is going gaga over the presidential debate last night, mostly because sexual issues have entered the presidential race. Sex sells, which is no doubt why the CNN debate commentators decided to spend the ...
Polls have shown that Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson is attracting an extraordinarily large number of votes from millennials and also that he is taking more votes away from Hillary Clinton than from Donald Trump.
That has put liberals, including ...
If you want to get a good idea of the damage that is done to students who take economics courses in most colleges and universities, just take a look at a The Atlantic’s October 3 attack on Libertarian Party ...