If there is anything that confirms that the national-security branch of the federal government rules the roost within the federal governmental structure, it is the Pentagon/CIA torture and indefinite-detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. That facility stands as ...
Three years ago, in a citizen’s initiative approved by 3/4 of voters, Oregon decriminalized the possession of small amounts of illicit drugs. Last month, the Oregon governor signed into law a measure that undid what the people of ...
During the Covid crisis, the cry from Covid critics was incessant: “Fauci! Fauci! Fauci!” Fauci was a liar. Fauci was a killer. Fauci was evil. Fauci had to go if we were to regain our healthcare freedom.
Well, ...
Someone might reasonably ask, “What difference does the JFK assassination make to those of us living today? The assassination took place more than 60 years ago. Everyone involved in it is now dead. Why not just forget it ...
One of the fascinating phenomena in the libertarian movement for the last several decades has been the division of libertarians into those who have decided to settle for advocating welfare-warfare-state reform and those of us who have decided ...
A great new book on the U.S. national-security establishment’s assassination of President John F. Kennedy has recently been published. It is entitled The Final Analysis by David W. Mantik and Jerome R. Corsi.
Longtime supporters of ...
The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that the Ukrainian government is lowering the draft age for Ukrainian men from 27 to 25. The measure is “part of an effort to bolster its depleted armed forces after
According to a March 6, 2024, article in Forbes magazine, the new Netflix series “American Conspiracies: The Octopus Murders” was watched 3.9 million times the previous week “to become one of the streamer’s most-watched shows.” Released ...
Proponents of America’s system of immigration controls lament what they say are “invaders” crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and entering the United States. Many of them say that this “invasion” is a conspiracy to alter the culture of the ...
Rightwing proponents of America’s socialist system of immigration controls claim that foreign citizens should not be able to enter the United States without “permission.” They are referring to the need to secure “permission” from two entities — the ...