Throughout the presidential campaign, President Obama, the national security establishment, and the mainstream press maintained that Donald Trump is unfit to be president. Obama said that Trump is “temperamentally unfit” to be president. For her part, Hillary Clinton stated, ...
Today we launch our new Drug War Video Project, whose aim is to accelerate an end to the war on drugs, one of the most immoral and destructive government programs in U.S. history. Featuring a broad array of speakers, ...
Trump’s supporters are on the right track, but they still just don’t get it. They know that something is wrong with America. They are characterized by a deep sense of dis-ease about where our country is and where it ...
What will President-elect Trump do with respect to foreign policy? Will he follow in the footsteps of George W. Bush and Barack Obama and pursue another four years of death and destruction in the Middle East and Afghanistan? Or ...
All those leftist protestors who are crying and wailing over Donald Trump’s election are only showing how the liberal movement has become as morally bankrupt as the conservative movement.
After all, consider what they could be protesting. They could be ...
Eight years ago, President Obama had a chance to change the warmongering direction that outgoing President Bush and the U.S. national-security establishment had led America for the previous eight years. Obama could have said, “Enough is enough. America has ...
For the last year, the American people have had their fun, what with all those presidential candidates catering to them, being nice to them, offering them goodies, and saying all sorts of nice things about them.
Tomorrow, however, the roles ...
The latest massacre of many innocent people by U.S. forces in Afghanistan provides another demonstration as to why it is imperative that the American people stop deferring to the authority of the national security state and demand the immediate ...
Not surprisingly, among the issues that the mainstream media has never raised during the presidential race is that of the CIA’s secret documents and records relating to the assassination of President Kennedy that are set to finally be released ...
As U.S. officials continue to accuse Russia of meddling with the U.S. presidential election, an accusation that they have provided no evidence whatsoever to support, let’s review some of the U.S. government’s history of meddling with elections in others ...