A new controversy stirred up by President Trump has propelled the moral blindness of liberals, conservatives, and the mainstream press into the forefront of American political discussion. Trump’s latest controversy involved a response he gave in an interview ...
NBC News is reporting that contrary to what U.S. officials have been maintaining, the goal of the recent U.S. military attack in Yemen was not to capture computers but rather to kill or capture a man named Qassim ...
President Trump has lashed out in anger against a federal judge in Seattle for putting a temporary quietus on Trump’s recent immigration dictates. Trump labeled Judge James Robart a “so-called judge,” notwithstanding the fact that this “so-called judge” has ...
Ever since the 9/11 attacks, there has been a fringe element in American society that has claimed that the attacks were part of a centuries-old religious war between Islam and Christianity. They’ve claimed that Muslims constitute a grave threat ...
Unfortunately, the Trump Wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, which is estimated to cost around $15 billion but undoubtedly will end up being much higher, is not the only socialist project that President Trump is devoted to. There is also ...
During this past weekend’s immigration-ban chaos, the stories of two immigrant refugees, Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Fuad Shareef, struck me. Both of them were from Iraq and both of them were fleeing to the United States in fear of ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Immediately after the bombing that killed Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt, Michael Moffitt began screaming, “DINA!” “Assassins!” The Washington, D.C., police who had arrived on the scene were ...
The verdict is in. After 16 years of death and destruction in the Middle East and Afghanistan at the hands of the U.S. national-security establishment, America is now facing four more years of the same.
How do we know this? ...
Ever since I established The Future of Freedom Foundation 27 years ago, I have argued that the perpetual, ongoing immigration crisis in America is rooted in federal immigration controls. That’s because immigration controls are a form of central planning, ...
President Trump has now come up with a plan to make Mexico pay for his much-ballyhooed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. One big problem, however, is that his plan doesn’t make Mexico pay for the wall. Instead, it makes ...