When the next terrorist attack against Americans takes place, you can be certain that there will still be at least a few Americans, including within the Pentagon and the CIA, who will come out with their standard line about ...
In a truly remarkable bit of honesty and candor regarding the U.S. national-security establishment, new Senate minority leader Charles Schumer has accused President-elect Trump of “being really dumb.”
Was Schumer referring to Trump’s ideology, philosophy, or knowledge about economics or ...
It’s going to be very interesting to see how the fight between President-elect Trump and the CIA comes out. Trump obviously believes that he’s going to be in charge of the federal government when he takes office. He is ...
The fight between Donald Trump and the CIA over the supposed Russian hacking scandal has at least two positive benefits: One, it helps to remind us what the conversion of the federal government to a national-security state ...
Ever since the Affordable Care Act was enacted in 2010, conservatives have had a field day complaining about Obamacare and promising to repeal it whenever they got the chance to do so. That chance has now arrived, with Republicans ...
Christmastime helps to remind us of how the welfare-state way of life contradicts the principles of a free society.
At Christmas, people give gifts to each other. Many people also use this period as an opportunity to do special acts ...
Ever since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, one of the things that has fascinated me most is the response of the mainstream media. Supporting the retaliatory invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, ever-increasing budgets for the national-security establishment, and ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
On the morning of September 21, 1976, former Chilean official Orlando Letelier was driving to work at the Institute for Policy Studies, a leftist public-policy institute in Washington, ...
Before I was to deliver a speech at a recent conference in Virginia, a young woman introduced herself and told me that a quotation of mine, which she had read on the Internet when she was in the 8th ...
The CIA and its mainstream media acolytes continue to blame Democratic Party Hillary Clinton’s electoral loss on the Russians and, specifically, on supposed hacking by Russia of computers belonging to Clinton and Democratic Party officials.