The Washington Times has published a fascinating and insightful story about growing opposition to hikes in the minimum wage in various parts of the country. The opposition is based not so much on the principles of liberty as a ...
I recently met a Dutch woman who has lived here in the United States for around 40 years. She told me that when she was 14 years old, she told her parents that her dream was to move to ...
At his daughter Ivanka’s urging, President Trump is showing us his liberal or progressive side by urging Congress to enact tax-code legislation relating to childcare and paid leave. Of course, this shouldn’t surprise anyone given that conservatives ...
In the second month of Donald Trump’s presidency, it is crystal clear that he is nothing more than a standard conservative, one with a unique personality but a standard conservative nonetheless.
Consider the drug war. After ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
In July 1976 the U.S. ambassador to Paraguay, George Landau, received a request from a high Paraguayan official to expedite visa applications from two Chilean officials who wished ...
Leftists (or liberals or progressives, if you prefer) are lamenting the plight of illegal immigrants who are being arrested and deported by President Trump’s ICE gendarmes. Playing the standard defender of the “poor, needy, and disadvantaged,” they ...
In an era in which vilification of Islam and Muslims has become a popular activity for many, it was ironic and somewhat humorous to see nearly everyone in American celebrating the life of Muhammad Ali, who was undoubtedly the ...
Two days ago, President Trump sent out a tweet crowing that the national debt went down by $12 billion in the first month of his administration, as compared to the first month of the Obama regime, when it went ...
An online dictionary defines “obsolete” as “out of date” and lists such synonyms as outdated, outmoded, and old-fashioned.
All right then. What part of “obsolete” does President Trump not understand?
Throughout his campaign for president, he told audiences that NATO was ...
I just finished watching the much-acclaimed series “Narcos” on Netflix. What a fantastic program. And what an excellent depiction of the futility and corruption of the war on drugs.
The series is a true-life account of Pablo Escobar, a Colombian ...