By this time it has become painfully obvious that Donald Trump is going to follow the interventionist road in the Middle East that Republicans and Democrats have been following ever since the Cold War ended in 1989. Like any ...
Ludwig von Mises explained how government interventionism into economic activity ultimately leads to omnipotent government. It’s because the first intervention inevitably creates problems or crises. Rather than repeal the original intervention, which would constitute an acknowledgement that the intervention ...
Whenever American citizens travel to another country, they are subjected to intrusive searches at the hands of U.S. officials upon returning to the United States.
Why? What’s the justification?
Since Americans living today have all been born and raised under this ...
According to an article at, when 23-year-old American filmmaker Akram Shibly and his girlfriend Kelly McCormick recently returned from a trip to Toronto, U.S. border officials took possession of their cell phones and demanded that they disclose ...
For the last seven years, conservatives have had a field day complaining about Obamacare and calling for its repeal. The anti-Obamacare pabulum has been great for garnering donations to conservative organizations and Republican candidates.
What conservatives never figured on, however, ...
When it comes to foreign policy and the U.S. government’s imperial and interventionist role in the world, it is sometimes difficult to determine which faction of statists — liberal or conservative — is the more hypocritical and morally blind.
Consider ...
This Thursday, March 16, at 1 p.m., the Citizens Against Political Assassinations (CAPA), an organization whose mission is to secure release of all JFK-assassination-related records, is hosting a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., ...
The Bionic Mosquito has an article today that takes libertarian Sheldon Richman to task for what Bionic says is a strawman, one that, he says, Richman has constructed with respect to the concept of culture.
In the process, Bionic ...
Convicted felon Lynne Stewart passed away on Tuesday. She was a noted criminal defense attorney in New York City who federal officials prosecuted, convicted, and punished for supporting terrorism.
It was a bogus charge, one that perfectly reflects the extent ...
President Trump tells us that his newly modified travel ban, just his original travel ban, is intended to keep us safe.
Safe from whom?
From the terrorists. Or, if you wish, the Muslims, or the “radicalized Muslims.”
But the important question must ...