Like the Trump administration, the communist regime in China has announced its intention to crack down in the war on drugs. The fact that the crackdown is coming from one of the most brutal totalitarian regimes in the world ...
In reading an interesting review of a book entitled “Hitler’s Little Helper” in last Sunday’s New York Times, I was struck by the following sentence, “Ohler documents the persistent intertwining of anti-Semitic rhetoric with the Nazis’ war on ...
One of the most amazing things about U.S. foreign policy is how so many American remain mired in the interventionist paradigm. Case in point: the Middle East. No matter how much a failure U.S. interventionism has been in that ...
President Donald Trump’s signature campaign slogan in the 2016 presidential race was “Make America Great Again.” The mantra touched the chords of millions of Americans and helped get him elected president. At the risk of raining on Trump’s parade, ...
Among the worst adverse consequences of everyone’s having been born and raised in a welfare-warfare state is that people grow up honestly believing that the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA, along with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, are ...
On March 21 — 9 days ago — I published an article entitled “Prepare Now for Blowback,” in which I pointed out what would seem to be obvious to any reasonable person after some 27 continuous years of ...
Ever since the Kennedy assassination, a popular parlor game has been: What happened to JFK’s brain? The game has served as a useful distraction from the much more critically important issue, one that is still unexplained to this day ...
I confess that I don’t know if the national security state wiretapped Donald Trump or not. But guess what: Neither do all those people in the mainstream press who are indignant — absolutely indignant — that anyone, especially the ...
If you miss our upcoming June 3 conference “The National Security State and JFK,” my hunch is that you’re later going to say, “Jacob, I sure wish I had attended that conference because I heard that it was ...
I must confess that liberals and the liberal press are amusing me to no end over their heated and exuberant reaction to the Trump-Russia meddling “scandal.” I find the whole controversy to be absolutely hilarious.
A question that stands out ...