The decision by President Trump and Attorney General Sessions to ramp up the decades-old war on drugs definitely throws down the gauntlet for those who have long advocated an end to this failed, deadly, destructive, corrupt, and ...
If you want to see why our nation’s Founding Fathers opposed a national-security state, including a standing army, just take a look at what is happening in Venezuela.
Venezuelan President Vicente Maduro is now the supreme dictator of the country ...
The year 1989 brought an unexpected shock to the U.S. national-security establishment. The Soviet Union suddenly and unexpectedly tore down the Berlin Wall, withdrew Soviet troops from East Germany and Eastern Europe, dissolved the Warsaw Pact, dismantled the Soviet ...
A few weeks after the 9/11 attacks, a woman came up to me before I was to give a speech and said, “Thank goodness we have the Bill of Rights to protect us from the terrorists.”
She was serious. As ...
A recent op-ed in the New York Times provides a perfect demonstration of why this country is in a world of hurt, fiscally speaking, and why the situation is almost certain to get worse, at the least in the ...
Throughout the controversy over whether the U.S. national-security state wire-tapped President Trump, no one, as far as I know, has challenged the legitimacy of the NSA’s spying on citizens of foreign countries, including Russia. The phenomenon is a classic ...
Given that we all have been born and raised under the type of governmental structure known as a “national security state,” naturally many Americans are unable to imagine life under a different structure, such as a limited-government republic. Moreover, ...
While I assumed that the national-security state would ultimately win its war against President Trump, I never figured that Trump would capitulate so soon and so completely.
But capitulate he has, and victory for the national security state, or what ...
With President Trump’s undeclared attack on Syria, a sovereign and independent nation, he has confirmed, once and for all, that he is just another foreign interventionist, no different from his predecessors Barack Obama and George W. Bush. That means, ...
All of us take it for granted, but the domestic open-border system that the Framers bequeathed to us is one remarkable achievement. Thanks to the Constitution, people are free to travel all across the country, crossing a multitude of ...