According to an article on Breibart, Pope Francis recently issued a broadside against libertarianism in a message sent to members of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Referring to libertarianism, the Pope stated in part,
A common characteristic of ...
As some of us have been predicting, the CIA appears to be gearing up to continue its cover-up in the JFK assassination, specifically regarding the tens of thousands of long-secret CIA records relating to the Kennedy assassination that the ...
One of the most remarkable achievements of our American ancestors was enshrined in the First Amendment — the separation of church and state. Reflecting the notion that religious liberty was one of the natural, God-given rights to which Thomas ...
Last month The Future of Freedom Foundation held our second conference on ending the drug war at one of America’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) -- Florida A&M University. The conference was hosted by the ACLU chapters at ...
You would think that by the time a person becomes the Director of the CIA, he would have a correct understanding of the Constitution, which is the founding document of the federal government, which the CIA is part of. ...
Let’s give Donald Trump some credit. With his termination of federal money to so-called sanctuary cities, which a federal judge just declared unconstitutional, at least Trump is showing us the real purpose of the dole society.
No, it has nothing ...
The dire situation in Venezuela holds valuable lessons for the American people.
The first lesson involves Venezuela’s economic system, which is based on socialism and interventionism. It has produced nothing but chaos, crisis, misery, conflict, discord, and poverty. That’s what ...
The best thing that South Koreans could ever do, both for themselves and for the American people, as well as the Japanese citizenry, is boot all U.S. troops out of their country.
Isn’t the reason obvious?
If President Trump, the Pentagon, ...
Ever since the conversion of the U.S. government to a national security state after World War II, the coin of the realm has been crisis and fear. Seize on crises — and sometimes even instigate them — ...
A free-speech controversy at Berkeley University provides us with an opportunity to explore differences between statism and libertarianism. The controversy revolves around right-wing commentator Ann Coulter, who has been invited to speak at Berkeley by a campus ...