Korea is none of the U.S. government’s business. The only proper course of action is for the Pentagon and the CIA to exit the country and bring those 23,000 American soldiers stationed in Korea home. No negotiations. No agreements. ...
There is so much I just don’t get about the anti-Russia brouhaha that has the Washington establishment, the mainstream press, the leftist movement, and even some conservatives all roiled up. To me it looks like one giant political carnival ...
JFKfacts.org links to a 12-minute video commentary called “Conspiracy’s Grip,” which focuses on various conspiracies and conspiracy theories, including the JFK assassination. Among the people who are featured in the commentary is Jefferson Morley, a former reporter for ...
For 45 years, the United States was engaged in a Cold War against the Soviet Union and communism. In the 1960s, the war brought the country to the edge of nuclear war. It brought about the deaths of more ...
The mainstream media is taking President Trump to task for making nice with the democratically elected dictator of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, by talking to him and inviting him for a visit in the White House. They say that ...
Like many other mainstream political commentators, Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum is outraged and indignant over Donald Trump’s public praise and open embrace of foreign dictators who are allied or friendly with the U.S. government. In an op-ed in ...
Anyone who believes that the GOP’s healthcare “reform” plan, which the House of Representatives passed yesterday, is going to solve America’s healthcare crisis is in serious need of a dose of reality. Regardless of what the plan says or ...
Given that so many Americans continue to express gratitude to the troops for their forever service in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria, and elsewhere, it would be worthwhile to revisit the immortal words of James Madison, the father of ...
The New York Times editorial board is outraged and indignant that President Trump has invited Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte to the United States to meet with Trump. In an editorial entitled “Donald Trump Embraces Another Despot,” the ...
According to an article on Breibart, Pope Francis recently issued a broadside against libertarianism in a message sent to members of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Referring to libertarianism, the Pope stated in part,
A common characteristic of ...