In 1888 British Liberal leader Sir William Harcourt declared, “We are all socialists now.”
With the notable exception of libertarians, the same can be said of the American people in 2017. Except for libertarians, Americans are all socialists now, especially ...
In 1964, ABC television newscaster Lisa Howard asked Che Guevara, the self-avowed communist ally of Fidel Castro during and after the Cuban Revolution, a fascinating question: “What would you like to see the United States do, as regards Cuba?”
Undoubtedly, ...
One of the ironies of the U.S. national-security state’s never-ending efforts to effect regime change in Cuba is that the United States ended up adopting and embracing many of the dark-side policies and practices of what one might expect ...
After the in-your-face Fourth of July “gift” that North Korea delivered to President Trump in the form of an intercontinental ballistic missile test, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see President Trump and the Pentagon retaliate ...
Last Friday, the Washington Post published an excellent editorial about murder and the rule of law. The editorial described how Russian prosecutors secured convictions of five men for murdering Boris Nemtsov, a popular critic of Russian leader ...
Throughout history, governments have controlled and regulated economic activity and monetary affairs. It has been generally accepted that such control and regulation are among the essential functions of government. The notion has always been that without government control and ...
It is absolutely amazing to me how any American can still be wedded to socialism. Everywhere you look, socialism has produced misery, suffering, poverty, chaos, crisis, conflict, tyranny, and violence.
Yet, there they are: Americans socialists going gaga over self-proclaimed ...
For the life of me, I just can’t figure out why the American people do not rise up en masse against the forever wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan in which the United States has been embroiled for ...
On Monday the U.S. Supreme Court held that churches have the right to steal from people to get the money to fund their activities. No, the Court didn’t use the word “stealing” but that is the import of its ...
The Future of Freedom Foundation hosted one of the most fascinating, important, and relevant conferences in our 27-year history.
Entitled “The National Security State and JFK,” the conference was held on Saturday, June 3, 2017, ...