For me, the most fascinating part of Memorial Day is watching and reading what mainstream media types say about all the U.S. soldiers who have died in U.S. foreign wars. The standard litany, which is what I find so ...
Ten more days until our conference “The National Security State and JFK.” June 3 at the Washington Dulles Marriott Hotel, which is located in northern Virginia (not D.C.). The hotel is about 3 minutes from the airport. Saturday, ...
Why is there one set of criminal laws for the private sector and another set for U.S. officials?
The inspectors general for the State Department and the Justice Department have released a report that states that DEA officials lied to ...
The latest terrorist attack in England, which has killed or injured dozens of teenagers, raises a question for every British, French, and American parent: Is continued interventionism in the Middle East and Afghanistan worth it?
In 1996 Leslie Stahl of ...
In its May 20 edition, the New York Times reported that between 2010 and 2012, China executed at least a dozen spies for the CIA. The report, which was based on information received from unnamed U.S. officials, stated that ...
Amidst increasing talk of a “soft coup” against President Trump, in the nature of an impeachment, the question that naturally arises is: If an impeachment were to fail, would it be constitutional for the Pentagon and the CIA to ...
Mexican journalists are protesting the recent drug-gang killing of Mexican award-winning journalist Javier Valdez, who spent his career investigating and reporting on drug cartels. The protesting journalists want the Mexican government to crack down and bring the killers to ...
Just consider the accusations that have been leveled at the president:
He has betrayed the Constitution, which he swore to uphold.
He has committed treason by befriending Russia and other enemies of America.
He has subjugated America’s interests to ...
Kudos to John Stossel for his recent syndicated column entitled “An Improved Health Bill,” in which he makes the following two recommendations, among others: Abolish Medicare and Abolish Medicaid.
That’s amazing. I think it’s the first time in my ...
All the hoopla over President Trump’s “obstruction of justice” over his firing of former FBI Director James Comey Jr. reminds me of the Secret Service’s obstruction of justice relating to the JFK assassination, which, for some reason, failed to ...