Last Friday, President Trump made the following announcement:
I have decided not to block release of the CIA’s remaining JFK-assassination related records except for those records that directly implicate the CIA in the assassination, which will continue to remain secret.”
Okay, ...
In an implicit rebuke of President Trump, former President Bush delivered a speech this week in which he warned against “isolationism sentiments.”
Isolationist sentiments? Is he kidding? Don’t make me laugh. Trump has made it very clear that he is ...
As I have repeatedly emphasized over the years, including in my article yesterday, “Trump’s Horrible Truth to the Soldier’s Widow,” U.S. troops who have been killed in Niger, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Vietnam, Korea, or other faraway places did ...
Warfare-statists are horrified over what President Trump told Mrs. La David Johnson, the grieving widow of a U.S. soldier who was recently killed in Niger. Trump said to Mrs. Johnson, “Well, I guess he knew what he signed up ...
Amidst all the ongoing chaos, crises, and tensions emanating from Washington, D.C., a Republican candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates in my district in Northern Virginia, a man named Tag Greason, has provided me with some amusement, which ...
With the National Archives’ impending October 26 release of JFK-assassination records that the CIA has succeeded in keeping secret for more than 50 years, the mainstream media will undoubtedly obsess even more with the term “conspiracy theory,” the ...
The response of hospitals to the Las Vegas massacre confirms what I have been saying for the past 28 years of FFF’s existence: that Americans can trust themselves and freedom and get rid of Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, and all ...
There are now two weeks left before the National Archives releases CIA records relating to the President Kennedy assassination, records that the CIA has succeeded in keeping secret for more than 50 years, on grounds of “national security” of ...
Yesterday, thousands of people gathered in Bolivia to honor Che Guevara, the communist revolutionary and Fidel Castro ally who was executed by Bolivian troops on October 9, 1967.
Yesterday’s event could also have served as a commemoration of the destruction ...
Calls for gun control after a mass shooting in America has, of course, become standard fare. But before Americans permit themselves to be stampeded into surrendering their right to own guns, it would be wise to keep Chile in ...