Discovering libertarianism was one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. It actually changed the course of my life.
Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be a lawyer. Whenever ...
We must continue advancing liberty: It’s the right thing to do and, despite what is happening in the political world, we might soon see a sudden shift in society toward peace, prosperity, and freedom. ...
Still uncertain what to give friends, relatives, and acquaintances for Christmas? How about one of The Future of Freedom Foundation’s best-selling ebooks?
FFF’s newest ebook, Freedom Frauds: Hard Lessons in American Liberty by James Bovard, who is a ...
If war breaks out in Korea, which is increasingly likely, make no mistake about it: the cause will be the U.S. government, specifically the national-security state branch of the federal government, i.e., the Pentagon and the CIA.
There are three ...
For the first hundred years of American history, the United States was founded on the concept of a limited-government republic, one whose government did not intervene in the affairs of other nations, specifically in Europe and Asia. America’s non-interventionist ...
When I read New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s statement regarding the latest terrorist attack in New York City, my initial reaction was this: How can this guy be so obtuse? Here is what he said in ...
Even though war has not yet broken out in Korea, one gets the distinct impression that President Trump, the Pentagon, and the CIA would not be disappointed if it did. In fact, one gets the impression that they would ...
The Bionic Mosquito is at again, desperately trying to reconcile his support of government-controlled borders with libertarian principles. This time, in an act of real desperation, he uses my article “Wedding Cakes Have Nothing to Do With Free ...
Venezuela is in the throes of a deep political and economic crisis. The country’s democratic system has produced two successive tyrannical dictators, Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. There are extreme shortages of food and other essential items. Prices are ...
In November 2017, Jacob G. Hornberger gave the following presentation to the staff of The Institute for Humane Studies.