Amidst all the furor over whether Donald Trump is a racist and whether he did in fact describe Haiti and African countries as “s***holes,” the real point is one that hardly anyone wants to face, including Trump’s critics who ...
U.S. officials, led by President Trump, and accompanied by their acolytes in the U.S. mainstream press, are absolutely giddy over what they perceive as the success of U.S. sanctions against Iran and North Korea. With Iran, they are celebrating ...
Most everyone acknowledges that James Madison, the father of the Constitution, possessed deep insights into the relationship between liberty and government. One of his important insights involved the relationship between liberty and war:
Of all the enemies to public liberty ...
Over the holidays, I began watching a Netflix/BBC series entitled The Last Post, which revolves around a contingent of British troops in the early 1960s stationed in Aden, a port city in Yemen, the Arabian country today that ...
Imagine that: the New York Times favoring states’ rights. Did you ever think you’d see that day?
No, the Times’ editorial board doesn’t exactly put it that way, but that’s the import of its position with respect to President Trump’s ...
Stefan Buck is a happy man. Last fall, a federal jury in Manhattan acquitted him of conspiracy to deprive the IRS of income tax revenue. Although a team of U.S. marshals was ready to take him into custody, Buck ...
It just might be that the two Koreas are figuring out a way to avoid war, much to the anger and chagrin of President Trump and the U.S. national-security establishment, who are obviously increasingly viewing war as inevitable and ...
Here’s a great New Year’s resolution for the American people: To redouble our efforts to achieve a free, prosperous, peaceful, and harmonious society, one that can serve as a model for the world.
Sounds good, right?
But not that easy. This ...
More than 150 years after the Civil War, the nation is engulfed in controversy over statues of people who fought for the Confederacy. Many people want the statues taken down. The statues, they say, depict men who were slaveowners, ...
I grew up as a Democrat in Laredo, Texas. I campaigned for John Kennedy when I was in the fifth grade. My dad took me to a political barbecue at the LBJ ranch, where ...