Imagine a farm in an impoverished country, a farm where the workers are using hoes to do their work in the fields. The farm produces 1000 bushels of wheat a year, which is sold for $10,000. The ...
In every trade, both sides benefit, from their own individual perspective. The reason is simple: Each side is giving up something he values less for something he values more.
That means, then, that trade, in ...
One of the burning issues of our time is the role of the U.S. government in foreign affairs: Should the United States embrace interventionism or non-interventionism?
Should the U.S. government be destroying democratically elected regimes? Should it be installing into ...
The military in Zimbabwe announced yesterday that it had arrested the country’s president, Robert Mugabe. While a military spokesman denied that a military takeover was underway, all signs indicate that he is lying. The president’s whereabouts are unknown, military ...
The New York Times recently carried an interesting article on the wedding-cake controversy that is now before the U.S. Supreme Court. The article pointed out that prominent lawyers who specialize in First Amendment cases are “vexed” by the ...
It should surprise no one that the life of the lie that so many Americans continue to live was manifested in all its glory last Friday, on Veterans Day.
Here is just one example, from an editorial in the ...
The recent October 26 deadline for releasing 50-year-old JFK-assassination records of the CIA and other federal agencies provided an opportunity for people to promote their favorite JFK assassination theories. The Russians did it. Fidel Castro did it. The U.S. ...
A classic example of the obtuseness of the U.S. mainstream press regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy occurred recently on television station KARE in Minneapolis-St. Paul, when the station’s reporter, Chris Hrapsky, was ...
With President Trump being accompanied by three U.S. carrier groups during his trip to Korea, South Koreans should pull a “Brexit” on the United States. As I counseled last April and August in two separate articles, South Korea should ...
The mainstream media and the acolytes of the U.S. national-security establishment continue to emphasize that there are no “smoking guns” in the tiny (2 percent) of the 50-year-old JFK records that President Trump, the National Archives, and the CIA ...