To the deep consternation of President Trump, Vice-President Pence, the U.S. national-security establishment, and their acolytes and critics in the U.S. mainstream press, North Korea continues to drive a wedge between the U.S. government and the South Korean government. ...
So, why is Vice-president Mike Pence attending the Winter Olympics in South Korea? Is it because he’s a sports fan who just wants to enjoy the quadrennial spectacle of the Olympic games?
Unfortunately, no.
Pence is going to the games for ...
Among the U.S. government’s worst nightmares is the participation of North Korean athletes in the Winter Olympics, which are being held in South Korea. That’s because Americans might get to know some of the North Koreans, who might just ...
Whenever people advocate immigration controls, not surprisingly they never bring up the role that U.S. immigration controls played in Hitler’s killing of millions of German Jews.
What American schoolchildren are rarely taught about the Holocaust is that long before World ...
Americans like to think of their country as different from those run by military regimes. They are only fooling themselves. Ever since the federal government was converted into a national-security state after World War II (without a constitutional amendment ...
Every so often, progressives and the mainstream press exclaim with horror that Republicans are intent on dismantling the New Deal, the socialist-interventionist economic system that the Franklin Roosevelt administration brought into existence in the 1930s and that has been ...
The New York Times recently profiled three military veterans who are running for Congress. All three are women and all three graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis. The Times highlighted the military experience of the women, ...
Ever since the U.S.-supported military coup in Chile that brought Gen. Augusto Pinochet to power in 1973, American and Chilean conservatives have extolled the economic policies that the Pinochet regime brought to Chile. The policies, which conservatives have long ...
I received the following email regarding my recent article “The First Amendment Does Not Give Us Freedom of Speech”:
I wanted to share with you an assignment my 11-year-old son just completed for his fifth-grade class in school. He ...
Imagine a suicide bomber blowing himself up in New York City and killing 95 people. It would be big news on television and on the front pages of the nation’s newspapers. Everyone in the United States would be talking ...