The New York Times published a story this week about prisoners who die while still incarcerated. The article pointed that when prisoners are suffering a fatal illness and have just a short time to live, the law permits ...
When a child reaches 6 years of age, the state seizes him, forcibly removes him from his family, and places him in a government institution where, for the next 12 years, he is converted into a “good citizen,” one ... defines a buttinski as a “person who interferes in the affairs of others; meddler.” Although the U.S. government is an entity, not a person, it would be difficult to find a better term to describe it. The U.S. ...
One of the consequences of growing up is being struck by the reality that fairy tales that we are taught as children are exactly that — fairy tales. Unfortunately, however, in some cases people continue hewing to fairy tales ...
It is amazing to me that there are still people in the world who believe in economic protectionism. The fact that a president of the United States is among them is astounding.
President Trump has recently announced that he is ...
The reason our American ancestors enacted the Second Amendment was to ensure that the federal government could never impair the right of the American people to resist the tyranny of their own government. The idea was that ...
In the midst of the congressional debate over Donald Trump’s tax bill, leftists accused Republicans of planning to dismantle Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. While the fear-mongering was baseless, given that Republicans favor the New Deal programs and philosophy as ...
Although 19-year-old Ryom Tae Ok and 25-year-old Kim Ju Sik didn’t medal at the Winter Olympics in South Korea, they wowed the crowd with their personalities and their figure-skating performance. They have now returned to North Korea, ...
Whenever there is a gun massacre, statists inevitably respond that it’s time to repeal the Second Amendment. The idea is that if the Second Amendment is gone, so will be the right to own guns in the ...
A controversy near my hometown of Laredo, Texas, provides a real-life example of the violations of liberty and privacy that come with immigration controls. The issue is especially relevant to the libertarian movement given that some conservative-oriented libertarians continue ...