Conservatives are a fascinating lot. Throughout the Cold War, they steadfastly maintained that the Cold War was necessary because communist tyrants were hell-bent on conquering the United States and subjugating the American people. That’s in fact why the U.S. ...
Isn’t it amazing how some mainstream pundits can easily recognize dictatorial actions of foreign leaders like North Korea’s Kim Jung Un, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Egypt’s Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro, and the Philippines’s Rodrigo ...
Overlooked in all of the hullabaloo over the summit in North Korea between President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un are two bizarre things: One, the U.S. government is the root cause of the crisis that Trump ...
In an act of petty revenge against the Philadelphia Eagles, President Trump put on display the concept of patriotism that unfortunately has come to characterize America in the era of the national-security state — a concept that perverts the ...
Even though he undoubtedly doesn’t realize it, a man named Jose Cardenas, a former acting assistant administrator for Latin America at the U.S. Agency for International Development in the George W. Bush administration, has indirectly weighed in on the ...
In a speech this week to the Organization of American States, Vice President Mike Pence issued the standard, obligatory denunciation of the communist regime in Cuba, which the U.S. national-security establishment (i.e., the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA) ...
Let’s recap some of the recent events in the federal government’s decades-long war on illegal immigrants, a war that is part and parcel of a system of immigration controls, which a small segment of conservative-oriented libertarians have supported in ...
Emergencies are the time-honored method by which people lose their freedom. That’s because public officials use emergencies as a way to acquire totalitarian powers, under the rationale that they need such powers to keep people “safe.” Of course, officials ...
This speech was part of a program entitled “Non-Interventionism: America’s Founding Foreign Policy” that was presented in Charleston, South Carolina on April 29, 2018 and co-sponsored with The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity. Daniel McAdams is the ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is roiling the assassination waters with the publication of his new book American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, where he sets forth his skepticism regarding the official explanations of the assassinations of ...