Imagine a county sheriff that took a suspected drug-law violator into custody more than 10 years ago. Since then, the man has been held in jail without being accorded a trial. The district attorney and the sheriff promise to ...
The U.S. military’s treatment of Army Lt. Spenser Rapone provides additional circumstantial evidence that the official story about accused lone-nut presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald is pure bunk.
Rapone is a West Point graduate who was admitted to West Point ...
Next Wednesday, July 4, Americans will be celebrating the anniversary of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. An important question arises: How many Americans truly believe in the principles enunciated in the Declaration?
The real significance of the American Revolution does ...
In this series of short videos, FFF president Jacob Hornberger summarizes and details the circumstantial evidence pointing toward the U.S. national-security state as the orchestrator of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Watch the ...
National outrage over President Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents as a way to deter illegal immigration into the United States has forced the president to abandon the policy. The outrage came from all sides of ...
People are up in arms over President Trump’s decision to separate children from foreign parents who have entered the United States without official permission. The outrage has been so vocal and passionate that the president has been compelled to ...
In a time in which President Trump is saying that the U.S. government will lift economic sanctions against North Korea if it “denuclearizes,” why not lift the decades-old U.S. economic embargo against Cuba? After all, Cuba “denuclearized” ...
South Korean President Moon Jae In and the people of South Korea may come to rue the day when Moon decided to let President Trump negotiate a peace agreement with North Korea’s communist dictator Kim Jong Un, ...
Suppose my neighbor acquired a bazooka and stored it in his home. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t threaten me with it. I ask him, “John, why have you acquired that bazooka?” He responds, “Just in case you decide ...
Just when you think that the Korean situation can’t get more interesting, it does. The New York Times is reporting that President Trump has now declared that North Korea is "no longer a nuclear threat" to the United ...