Many of the people who are critics of President Trump don’t realize that they themselves are partly responsible for much of what Trump is doing. That’s because over the years they have supported the assumption of dictatorial powers by ...
I am getting that Iraq deja vu feeling again, only this time with respect to Iran.
You’ll recall the build-up to the U.S. war of aggression against Iraq: WMDs. Mushroom clouds. Charts and graphs. Preventive war.
The anti-Iraq propaganda from U.S. ...
In this series of short videos, FFF president Jacob Hornberger summarizes and details the circumstantial evidence pointing toward the U.S. national-security state as the orchestrator of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Watch the ...
In my article “Was Reagan a Traitor Too?,” I detailed how three U.S. presidents since World War II have been vilified and condemned for befriending Russia, America’s World War II partner and ally: John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and ...
If anyone thinks that Donald Trump is the only U.S. president ever targeted for befriending Russia, think again.
As I indicated in a recent article, the deep state went after President Kennedy for doing the same thing. And yes, ...
New York Times: Mr. Trump raised a series of largely irrelevant conspiracy theories — none of which were directly related to the evidence of Russian hacking activity.
Washington Post: And with that, yet another President Trump conspiracy theory is thoroughly ...
It is fascinating to see both the rightwing and the leftwing excoriate President Trump for trying to establish friendly relations with Russia, especially since it’s not the first time this has happened. It also happened to President Kennedy. As ...
I sure wish the mainstream media and all those critics of Donald Trump had had better civics teachers in high school. If they had, they would understand that special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment against those Russian officials for supposedly ...
Suppose I had an unlimited power of attorney to sign your name as a co-signer on any loan I made with the bank. Every time I went to the bank and borrowed money, I could legally obligate you to ...
The dust-up over NATO confirms, once again, that President Trump, unfortunately, has been absorbed by the same deep state whose existence he sometimes laments. After questioning here in the United States the usefulness of NATO, Trump traveled to a ...