We are undertaking a special outreach project at The Future of Freedom Foundation to enable us to advance libertarian principles more effectively. I am ...
In this series of short videos, FFF president Jacob Hornberger summarizes and details the circumstantial evidence pointing toward the U.S. national-security state as the orchestrator of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Watch the ...
If you want to get a taste of what life was like in Cold War America, buy a subscription to SiriusXM, the privately owned satellite radio broadcasting service. Then tune in to Channel 153. You will think that you ...
The U.S. deep state’s hatred of the Iranian people goes back a long way, at least as far back as 1953. That was the year that the CIA, which was called into existence in 1947 when the U.S. government ...
I’ve got an idea that will cure the severe economic crisis in Venezuela. All that Venezuelan officials need to do is to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour and also give everyone a monthly welfare check of ...
On July 13, the Cato Institute published on its website libertarianism.org an article entitled “The Errors of Nostalgi-tarianism” by Steve Horwitz, a libertarian economics professor at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.
Horwitz’s article was a critique of ...
The U.S. mainstream press can easily recognize the dominant and influential role that the military plays in society, so long as they are referring to countries like Pakistan and Egypt. Unfortunately, the same reporters and commentators turn a blind ...
In this series of short videos, FFF president Jacob Hornberger summarizes and details the circumstantial evidence pointing toward the U.S. national-security state as the orchestrator of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Watch the ...
If a Mexican citizen wishes to commit suicide, there is an excellent way to do it: run for office on an aggressive platform of shutting down Mexican drug cartels. There is a high likelihood that that candidate’s life will ...
Ludwig von Mises showed how one government intervention inevitably leads to more interventions. That’s because the original intervention produces a crisis. At that point public officials have a choice: Repeal the intervention or enact a new intervention to address ...