After losing his battle against Congress to secure funding for his wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, President Trump is declaring that that the congressional rebuff is irrelevant anyway. The reason? Trump is declaring an “emergency” under the ...
After a 3-month-long trial in federal district court in New York City, famous Mexican drug kingpin Joaquín Guzmán Loera, more commonly known as El Chapo, has been convicted. Yay! After decades of drug warfare on the part ...
Two days ago, the New York Times carried an article by Times’ journalist Thomas Erdbrink entitled, “For Iran, a Grand Occasion to Bash the U.S.,” which was about Iran’s celebration of the 40th anniversary of ...
Immigration control advocates are undoubtedly hoping that the new immigration deal that is being struck to avert another government “shutdown” will finally, once and for all, end the decades-long immigration crisis. No more having to pace the ...
While conservatives are criticizing socialist Congresswoman Alejandra Ocasio-Cortez for her “Green New Deal” proposal, their critiques revolve around what they consider is an inappropriate use of New Deal tactics to solve environmental problems. Unfortunately, however, conservatives do not challenge ...
In his State of the Union Address, President Trump declared:
Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls for socialism in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence — and not government coercion, domination and ...
One of the principal aims of the progressive (i.e., leftist, liberal, socialist) movement is equalization of income and wealth. They think it’s unfair, even immoral, for some people to have more when others have less. They especially decry the ...
It is supremely ironic. To respond to the dictatorial mindset and policies of Venezuelan ruler Nicolas Maduro, President Trump has adopted his own dictatorial mindset and policies. Trump obviously believes that the way to fight foreign dictatorship is by ...
The federal government owes people almost $22 trillion. That means that American taxpayers owe people almost $22 trillion. That’s because the federal government has no money of its own. The money it gets comes entirely from American ...
This series will be published in a forthcoming book. Details to follow.