This series will be published in a forthcoming book. Details to follow.
Ever since President Trump incited his big crisis with North Korea, only to back off and ultimately fall in love with North Korea’s brutal communist dictator Kim Jung-Un, the entire exercise has had a weird, surreal quality ...
President Trump is currently having a second meeting with North Korea’s communist dictator Kim Jong-Un. Hoping to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace, Trump is hoping to enter into an agreement with the Korean Reds to ...
A recent article in the New York Times about Russia’s “intelligence state,” authored by John Sipher, a former chief of station for the CIA, provides a valuable mirror for the American people. The problem is that American statists ...
How ironic. President Trump wants to build his wall along the southern border of the United States to keep Latin Americans from illegally entering the United States. He already has constructed a tariff wall to keep foreigners from freely ...
How ironic that the U.S. government’s war on ISIS, the group brought into existence by the U.S. national-security establishment’s war of aggression on Iraq, would provide insight into the U.S. national-security’s establishment’s relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused ...
While President Donald “America First” Trump and his merry band of foreign interventionists try to convince people how concerned they are with the plight of Venezuelans, four American women, Natalie Hoffman, Oona Holcomb, Madeline Huse and Zaachila Orozco-McCormick, might ...
Among the weirdest aspects of America’s system of immigration controls is what this system permits federal officials to do to American citizens who choose to vacation or conduct business in a foreign country. It permits them to ...
Even while still keeping U.S. troops mired in America’s forever wars in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, President Donald “America First” Trump is threatening to order his army to invade Venezuela in order to oust Venezuelan dictator Vincente Maduro from ...
Former U.S. Air Force counterintelligence officer Monica Witt, who has defected to Iran and who U.S. officials have charged with espionage and other crimes, has members of the U.S. national-security establishment and even the mainstream press befuddled. ...