Imagine if Congress were to enact a law that required everyone to attend church on Sundays. The overwhelming majority of Americans would go up in arms. The concept of religious liberty is so deeply ingrained in our American heritage ...
Contrary to popular opinion, especially among seniors, there is no Social Security fund into which people have “contributed” their money during their work years. There are also no lock boxes at Fort Knox that contain people’s names ...
Pity President Donald “America First” Trump, Secretary of State (and former CIA Director) Mike Pompeo, National-Security Advisor (and Cold War fanatic) John Bolton, and Special U.S. Representative to Venezuela (and Cold War fanatic) Eliott Abrams. Knowing that ...
As far as I know, no evidence has yet surfaced that definitively establishes direct CIA involvement in the U.S. regime-change operation in Venezuela. But it is a virtual certainty that the CIA is directly embroiled in the ...
Like other U.S. regime-change operations, the current one against the regime of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is rife with hypocrisy. After all, what is the main complaint that President Trump and other U.S. officials have against Maduro? ...
So far, the U.S. national-security establishment’s regime-change operation in Venezuela has met with failure. Having designated Venezuelan public official Juan Guaidó as the new president of the country, U.S. officials have still not been able to deliver ...
After decades of working with Republicans to destroy people with their much-vaunted war on drugs, some Democrats are now coming out in favor of legalizing marijuana. Their change of position is a testament to the power of ...
While conservatives, led by their leader President Trump, are railing against the Democrats for their devotion to socialism, the current controversy over the Federal Reserve shows us, once again, that conservatives are as devoted to socialism as ...
Given President Trump’s trade wars against China and other countries, the natural tendency is to focus on Chinese and American producers and consumers as the victims of Trump’s destructive trade folly.
Keep in mind that ...
American liberals (i.e., progressives or leftists) are hell-bent on achieving their next big socialist objective: Medicare for All, which will expand the federal government’s role into healthcare to an even greater extent. Make no mistake about it: ...