From the Democratic Party debates, it’s not difficult to see that there really isn’t any difference in principle between any of the Democratic presidential candidates and, for that matter, between Republicans and Democrats.
Oh, yes, ...
President Trump is wrong about a lot of things, but he is right about last night’s Democratic Party debate. Despite the excitement and accolades being expressed by the mainstream press, the reality is that last night’s debate between 10 ...
One of the most amusing aspects of the entire anti-Russia brouhaha has been whether President Trump should be impeached for supposedly having violated U.S. campaign-finance laws. The idea is that since Trump received some political dirt from ...
Today’s New York Times is carrying a video op-ed entitled “I’m Republican. I Never Thought I’d Fight for Medicaid.” The op-ed calls for an expansion of Medicaid in North Carolina and other states to cover ...
Undoubtedly, President Trump is fantasizing about the possibility of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for deciding at the last minute to not bomb Iran in retaliation for Iran’s shoot-down of a Pentagon drone. Apparently experiencing a ...
While Democratic Party presidential candidates are stumbling over themselves in offering people free college tuition and other political candy in the hope of buying their votes, I’ve got a better idea. Let’s end all state support of ...
Ever since I founded FFF 29 years ago, there have been critics who say to me, “You just preach to the choir.” My response is always: “Yeah, isn’t that great?” Of course, I issue the response in jest, especially ...
The recent drug bust of Russian journalist Ivan Golunov reminds us of another aspect of drug laws — the ability of tyrannical regimes to use such laws to target innocent people. In fact, consider any tyrannical regime in the ...
SPOILER ALERT: If you have not yet seen the excellent HBO miniseries Chernobyl and might yet do so, you might want to wait to read this article until after you have seen the series, as it contains spoilers.
The five-part ...
Lamenting dictatorship in Cuba, the U.S. government has decided to tighten restrictions on the freedom of Americans to travel to Cuba. Never mind that the restrictions were not enacted by Congress and signed into law by President Trump. When ...