In a New York Times op-ed today, Mexican businessman Ricardo B. Salinas is endorsing what he calls a "humane" alternative to President Trump’s cruel and brutal enforcement of America’s system of immigration controls: a “Marshall ...
Given the ongoing destruction of liberty and prosperity from President Trump’s trade wars, tariffs, sanctions, and embargoes, it’s time to think at a higher level, one that goes beyond mere criticism of Trump’s trade antics. It’s time to think ...
An article about Cuban leader Fidel Castro in today’s New York Times highlights the perverse view of freedom held by the America left and, well, for that matter, by American conservatives as well. The article is entitled “There’s ...
It’s been a while since I have seen any articles by libertarians who support America’s system of immigration controls. I can’t help but wonder whether the reason for that is the immigration system’s massive death and suffering that has ...
Now that the Fourth of July celebrations are over, it’s worth asking whether a particular phrase enunciated in the Declaration of Independence is true or false.
The phrase in question? “The pursuit of happiness.” The Declaration ...
President Trump is being criticized for surrounding himself with tanks, armored vehicles, flyovers, and generals and admirals during his Fourth of July celebration at the Lincoln Memorial. Critics say that it was unseemly for the president to ...
Americans who celebrated the Fourth of July in 1880 were celebrating a concept of freedom that is opposite to the concept of freedom that Americans today celebrate on the Fourth.
The freedom that 1880 Americans celebrated was a society in ...
The relationship between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has got to rank among the most dysfunctional relationships in history.
Recall the big crisis with North Korea that Trump ignited soon after coming into office, a crisis that ...
In announcing that the U.S. and China are resuming trade talks, President Trump demonstrated the socialist mindset that afflicts him and his fellow Republicans and, for that matter, the Democrats as well. Trump said that during the negotiations, the ...
Part 1 | Part 2
I believe that when it comes to liberty, principles and ideals are everything. It has been principles and ideals that have given us such grand and glorious achievements as freedom of speech, freedom of ...