Leftists are tripping over themselves in their attempt to blame President Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric for one of the nation’s latest killing sprees, the one in El Paso, where the killer posted an online screed complaining about the “invasion” of ...
A 13-year-old boy has just received a lesson in “patriotism” at a Montana county fair. He suffered a fractured skull and several hours of bleeding from his ears for refusing to remove his hat during the singing of the ...
The U.S. Empire, which controls much of the world through hundreds of military bases in foreign countries, through foreign regimes run by domestic U.S. puppets, and through foreign dependency on U.S. foreign aid, got its start in 1898 during ...
Responding to the weekend massacres in El Paso and Dayton, President Trump announced his opinion that the shooters must be mentally ill.
Well, doh, Captain Obvious!
But there have always been people in American society who have been off-kilter mentally. Until ...
President Trump has suddenly announced that he is upping his trade war against China by imposing another $300 billion of tariffs on Chinese goods. According to the Washington Post, Trump said that his tariffs would begin at ...
Amidst all the hoopla over the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, it’s easy to forget that this was just another 20th-century massive public-works project, no different in principle from federal dams, the Interstate ...
Part 1 | Part 2
In 1990, the first year of The Future of Freedom Foundation’s existence, I wrote an article entitled “Letting Go of Socialism” (www.fff.org/explore-freedom/article/letting-socialism) in which I criticized the idea of school vouchers. I pointed out ...
A film company has just completed a short and succinct promotional video for The Future of Freedom Foundation that emphasizes our principled approach to advancing liberty. I am writing to ask you to help ...
For some time now, there has been a conservative faction within the libertarian movement that has advocated that libertarians abandon their position in favor of open borders and instead join up with conservatives and progressives in support of government-controlled ...
Sometimes the debate over the decades-long immigration crisis becomes amusing. In a July 26 editorial entitled “Trump’s Wall Gets America Nowhere on Border Security,” which takes the Trump administration to task for its cruel, brutal, ...