One of the fascinating aspects of the Donald Trump presidency has been the rise of the Trumpster phenomenon. Trumpsters are conservatives who have become steadfast and unwavering followers and supporters of Trump.
There are two distinguishing characteristics of Trumpsters: (1) ...
In my August 30 article, entitled “Trump’s Berlin Wall,” I wrote:
In any event, desperate to appease his statist supporters before Election Day, President Trump is proceeding apace with the construction of his Berlin Wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. ...
Leave it to the Chinese Communist Party and the New York Times to indirectly teach Americans about public schooling. In an article entitled “The High School Course Beijing Accuses of Radicalizing Hong Kong,” the Times writes:
China’s ruling Communist ...
While the experts are unable to predict where Hurricane Dorian will hit, it is not difficult to issue another prediction that is 99 percent certain to become true: Once Dorian makes landfall, public officials will be enforcing ...
Every American living today has lived his entire life under an immigration crisis. That shouldn’t surprise anyone. America’s system of immigration controls is based on the concept of central planning, which is a core feature of socialism, which, as ...
In 1987 President Ronald Reagan was delivering a speech about the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin. Reagan declared: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
Imagine if Donald Trump had been president back ...
For the past two years, President Trump and his loyal army of Trumpistas have been trumpeting what they say is Trump’s fantastic management of the economy. The stock market is soaring and unemployment is down, they crow. This shows, ...
One of the fascinating, albeit not too surprising, aspects of the Jeffrey Epstein death has been the reaction of the mainstream media. From the very first moment that the news hit that Epstein had died in prison from an ...
The Guardian newspaper in London has just published one angry and nasty attack against David Koch, the billionaire libertarian who recently passed away. The article, entitled “Death and Destruction: This is David Koch’s Sad Legacy,” is authored by ...
Some people think that the United States is safe from dictatorship because the country is a democracy. It’s only in totalitarian countries, they hold, that people are subject to dictatorship.
Nothing could be further from the ...