The recent shootings of three U.S. soldiers in Florida at the hands of a Saudi citizen raises a standard question in the U.S. government’s perpetual “war on terrorism”: “Why do they hate us?”
Soon after the ...
The Pentagon cannot be pleased with the Washington Post today. That’s because the Post has just disclosed a mountain of previously secret documentary evidence within the military showing that the Pentagon has been intentionally lying for years ...
In a December 1 Washington Post article entitled “Yes, Americans are Feeling the Squeeze. It’s Coming from Health Care,” Post columnist Robert Samuelson points out, “In the early 1960s, before Medicare and Medicaid,
There are those among the gun-control crowd who advocate repealing the Second Amendment. They think that by doing so, they would be prohibiting people from owning guns. Unfortunately, they have a woeful lack of understanding of rights and the ...
Whenever there is a government program or system that is producing deaths of innocent people as well as tyranny, that is a persuasive sign that that is a bad government program, one that needs to be eliminated. ...
It is supremely ironic that Pentagon officials take an oath to support and defend the Constitution because they intentionally destroyed the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution when they set up their “judicial” system at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ...
For centuries, it has been an established tenet of Western jurisprudence that a person cannot be punished for a crime unless the government first convicts him of the crime in a court of law. After the Constitution ...
Sound money is a key to a free and prosperous society. That principle was clearly reflected in the monetary system that the Constitution established when it called the federal government into existence.
Our ancestors didn’t trust government officials with power. ...
On April 9, 1942, 12,000 U.S. troops paid the price of U.S. empire and intervention when they surrendered to Japanese forces at Bataan, Philippines. During the resulting “Bataan death march,” 600 of them died, and then another ...
The U.S. Justice Department and the U.S. Border Patrol are not happy campers. That’s because a federal jury, in a clear case of jury nullification, has just put the quietus to federal attempts to incarcerate 37-year-old Arizonian Scott Warren ...