We are all familiar with the Pentagon’s and CIA’s torture center and prison camp at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, where the U.S. national-security establishment has knowingly, intentionally, and deliberately destroyed protections guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Those include the ...
There is no reason for the Pentagon to be depressed, despondent, or angry over the fact that Iraqi officials are kicking the Pentagon out of Iraq. The Pentagon doesn’t belong in Iraq in the first place.
The Washington, D.C., establishment and the U.S. mainstream press continue to express concern about the possibility that war is going to break out between the United States and Iran. That is ridiculous. What they don’t want to confront is ...
There is a perception among some libertarians that simply by privatizing all property in the United States the issue of government-controlled borders would disappear. The issue would become, they say, simply a matter of each private owner deciding who ...
A question that naturally arises but one that the mainstream press never asks is: What is the reason for the deep-seated hatred that the U.S. national-security state has toward Iran?
No, ...
What everyone can agree on with respect to the current crisis in Iraq is that Operation Iraqi Freedom, the slogan that the Pentagon used in the run-up to its 2003 invasion of Iraq, has been one great ...
In analyzing the causes for the dysfunctional nature of American society (e.g., soaring suicide rates, especially among young people, massive drug addiction and alcoholism, and widespread violence, including irrational mass killings), among the things to consider is ...
Even gun-control advocates are admitting that if it hadn’t been for the actions of Jack Wilson, there would be more people killed by gunman Keith Kinnunen in the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas.
Kinnunen, who had ...
Lost in the ongoing debate in America as to whether the United States should embrace socialism is a discomforting fact: America embraced socialism a long time ago. The problem is that many Americans have simply not wanted to accept ...
Everywhere you look, there are crises. Healthcare. Immigration. Social Security. Drugs. Violence. The Middle East. Afghanistan. Federal spending and debt.
There is a common denominator to all this mayhem, to this socialism, ...