One of the fascinating phenomena of advancing libertarianism here at The Future of Freedom Foundation for the past 30 years has been seeing how frustrated statists become with the failure of libertarians to come up with solutions ...
With no end in sight for America’s $23 trillion national debt, Jacob Hornberger, president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, delivers a sobering message about the cause of the growing crisis, ...
Crises and emergencies are the time-honored way that people end up losing their liberty at the hands of their own governments. That’s because people become so afraid that they are willing, even eager, to fall victim to ...
Two more U.S. soldiers have been killed in Iraq. Yes, that Iraq — the Iraq that never attacked the United States or even threatened to do so — the Iraq that the U.S. government invaded and has ...
Sometimes people say, “I guess we’ll just have to have a major economic or monetary crisis to wake people up and cause them to want a sound monetary system.”
There is one big problem with that ...
The Bionic Mosquito, a libertarian who favors America’s system of immigration controls, is back on the subject of immigration. In a new article, he refers to an article of his back in 2015 entitled “Compared to What?” in ...
We all know that Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, gave rise to U.S. involvement in World War II. But how many people ask an important question: Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor in the first place?
After all, Japanese ...
Central to the idea of a welfare state is the notion of the “safety net.” The idea is that a free society is much like walking the high wire. Highwire walkers sometimes fall, hit the ground, and die, but ...
Turn on the TV recently and you’ll see rallies with thousands of young people screaming and cheering for proposals like Medicare for All, free college and college loan debt forgiveness. This ...
In a genuinely free society, people have the right to engage in any occupation, profession, or vocation without having to seek a permit, license, or other government permission. The idea is that economic liberty is a fundamental, God-given right, ...