Like many home-bounders during this coronavirus crisis, I’m watching movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime. I just finished watching a biography of Muhammad Ali, who was one of the greatest boxers of all time, if not the ...
Amidst all the death taking place by the coronavirus, last night I decided to rewatch We Were Soldiers, a great movie about the Vietnam War, during which the U.S. national-security establishment sent 58,000 American men to their ...
During this time of extraordinary powers being exercised by federal, state, and local officials, it’s good to refresh ourselves on founding principles.
We sometimes hear about a concept called “the inherent powers of government.” These refer ...
This would be a good time for some introspection. Questions that deserve pondering are: Why must the U.S. government be engaged in foreign meddling? What good does it do? Are there harmful consequences? Are they worth it?
There was a good reason why our American ancestors failed to include an emergency exception in the Bill of Rights. It was because they knew that throughout history emergencies have been the time-honored way by which people ...
On January 30, 1933, German President von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany. On March 30, 1933, Franklin Roosevelt took the oath of office as the 32nd president of the United States. Both men were taking ...
The stock market crash in 1929 provides an excellent example of how an emergency or crisis can be used to revolutionize a society permanently and destroy liberty and well-being in the process.
Contrary to popular ...
For 30 years here at FFF, we have been saying that there is one — and only one — solution to America’s decades-long, ongoing, never-ending healthcare crisis. That solution is: a total separation of healthcare and the ...
In an editorial entitled “China’s Ill-Timed Attack on the Free Press,” the New York Times berates the Chinese government for expelling journalists who work for the Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post and for ...
Even within the midst of the coronavirus crisis, it is possible to find humor, thanks to statists.
A good example is an article entitled “The Era of Small Government is Over” by Jamelle Bouie, which appears ...