When Hannah Arendt wrote about the concept that she called “the banality of evil,” she was referring to people who are engaged in evil but who actually believe that are engaged in good. They aren’t evil people, ...
If Americans are not doing some serious soul-searching in the midst of this crisis, they need to start. Where America goes from here is not some sort of esoteric debate. What we do at this point has ...
Those dastardly Russians! They are at it again!
What are they up to now? They are shipping medical supplies to the United States to help America deal with the Coronavirus crisis!
What could ...
As most everyone who reads my work knows by now, I hold that a free-market healthcare system is the only — repeat only — solution to the deadly coronavirus crisis and, in a broader sense, the overall ...
One of the downsides to socialism is that it inculcates a mindset of dependency on government largess not only within the minds of dole recipients but also among other people. This is particularly true when the generations ...
The first book that The Future of Freedom Foundation published was entitled The Dangers of Socialized Medicine. Published in 1994, it was a little book consisting of various essays that FFF had published since our ...
Imagine that the United States had had a system of public churching for 230 years, a system in which the federal government owned and operated public churches alongside private churches. This state-run system of public churches would ...
Amidst all the glee over Congress’s $2 trillion “stimulus” package, an important and relevant question naturally arises: Will the federal government end up nationalizing and confiscating people’s retirement accounts to pay for the ever-burgeoning expenses of the ...
The Justice Department’s securing of a criminal indictment of Venezuela’s president Nicolás Maduro reminds us that when it comes to the U.S. government’s regime-change operations, coups, invasions, sanctions, embargoes, and state-sponsored assassinations are not the only ways ...
Americans alive today have grown up in what libertarians term a welfare-warfare state. It is a system in which the primary purpose of the federal government is to take care of people and keep them safe and secure. This ...