Like many of his counterparts in the mainstream press, Los Angeles Times senior editorial writer Michael McGough is aglow over the apology issued by Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ...
For the life of me, I simply cannot understand why some libertarians still support school vouchers. Libertarianism, after all, is about achieving a free society. What do school vouchers have to do with freedom? They are the ...
To suggest that all cops and all judges are racial bigots would obviously be ridiculous. But it would be equally ridiculous to suggest that there are no racial bigots within law enforcement or even the judiciary.
A controversy has erupted over the naming of U.S. military bases here in the United States. The bases are named after Confederate generals, and there are people who want to change that. They want the bases to ...
If there is any beneficial aspect of a foreign dictatorship, it is that it can provide a reality check for the American people, especially those who are convinced that they live under a “free-enterprise” economic system.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, is apologizing for the role he played in President Trump’s photo-op in Washington, D.C.. Dressed in battle fatigues, Milley accompanied Trump to the event ...
I realize that conservatives and liberals are convinced that they are different from one another. I also understand that the mainstream media is convinced of the same thing.
For the life of me, as a ...
If you want a good sample of the hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of conservatives, look no further than the Washington Post, specifically an op-ed in yesterday’s issue by noted conservative columnist Hugh Hewitt.
If you have a kid who is trying to figure out where to go to college, you might want to counsel him or her to avoid going to Stony Brook University, at least if he or she ...
Given the history of brutality by the Minneapolis police department, especially against blacks, with the killing of George Floyd being the most recent example, the Minneapolis city council has signaled its intent to abolish its police department. ...